Preparing for Roofing Installation

Before roofing can begin, the crew will set up protective measures on your property. Tarps are placed over any belongings, and vehicles are moved to a different area so that roofing debris doesn’t damage them or anything else.


The roofer will then lay an underlayment, which is a felt material that protects sheathing and framing should water penetrate the roof covering. This is nailed down close to the drip edge and then rolled out toward the ridge. Contact Lexington Roof Company for professional help.

The roof over your head is more than just a shelter from the elements; it’s a design element that communicates the style, personality and character of your home. The selection of roofing materials is one of the most important decisions homeowners, contractors and DIYers will make. There are many factors to consider, including durability, maintenance requirements, energy efficiency and aesthetic compatibility with your home’s architectural style.

The choice of roofing materials should also align with the climate in your area; a material that performs well in hot, dry areas may not do so well in cold, wet regions. Additionally, the cost of each material should factor into your decision, considering how much you’re willing to spend on a new roof as well as future costs associated with energy bills, maintenance and repairs.

Asphalt shingles are a popular roofing option because of their affordability and ease of installation. They are available in a variety of colors, styles and sizes to suit your taste. Other popular roofing options include metal roofs, which are typically heavier than shingle roofs and require more extensive framing, as well as wood shakes, which have a natural appearance that can complement rustic or historical homes.

Rolled roofing is another economical roofing option for low-slope roofs. This type of roofing consists of long rolls of mineral-impregnated and asphalt-impregnated material topped with granules. It is often used on sheds and other utilitarian structures, but can be used on residential roofs as well.

Clay tile roofs are a beautiful and durable option for residential and commercial buildings. They are molded and fired into shape, then placed over a roof frame and secured. Other roofing options include copper roofs, which are highly durable and can add a striking aesthetic to your home, as well as stone-coated steel roofs, which are expensive but provide superior protection from wind and rain.

In addition to the roofing materials themselves, you’ll need a sturdy ladder that can reach the roof as well as a receptacle for the disposal of old materials. The receptacle should be large enough to accommodate the quantity of debris that will likely be produced during the tear-off process.


If you’re not comfortable with climbing a ladder and installing shingles yourself, it’s best to hire professionals. But even top-quality roofing contractors will need some preparation from their customers to help ensure the job goes smoothly.

The first step in the roof installation process is tearing off your old roof. The hammering, scraping and nailing involved causes vibrations that can shake or knock down anything hanging on your walls, so it’s a good idea to take down mirrors, pictures, wreaths and loose shelving ahead of time. If you have expensive or fragile items that can’t be removed, wrap them in blankets and bubble wrap for extra protection. This is also a good time to back up computer files and move valuables away from the area.

Once the old roof is removed, the roofing team can start prepping the surface for a new layer of shingles. This includes removing or relocating satellite/TV dishes, skylights and solar panels, and covering the ground around the house with tarps to protect landscaping, cars, patio furniture and other items that could be damaged by falling shingle debris.

Depending on the size of your roof, this prep phase can take up to two days. The crew will also install flashing at the chimney, window, dormers and other areas to keep water from leaking into your home. If you have a metal roof, they’ll also install specialty materials to reinforce the ridge cap and seal it against rain, snow and hail.

The shingle installation is the most visible part of the roofing project. Top-tier roofing contractors will install the shingles with precision so they look beautiful and keep your home protected from water damage.

The shingle installation is noisy, dusty and disruptive, so it’s a good idea for pets and children to stay elsewhere during this time. Young children won’t be able to sleep, and older kids may get frustrated or distract the roofers. Have them stay at Grandma’s or ask a friend for the day, and make sure they wear shoes and don’t wander into the work area.


Once the contractor arrives to start the re-roofing process, they will cover sensitive areas of your yard and home with tarps and take steps to protect your property from debris. They will also have a dumpster delivered, and use wooden boards to protect things like your garden and air conditioning unit from the debris.

The first step will be removing your old roof. The contractor will then clean the underlayment and install drip edge flashing. This is used to prevent water leaks at the eaves, roof valleys, and in certain other leak-prone areas. They will also add ridge vents to allow for proper attic ventilation. This helps keep your attic cool and dry, regulates the temperature of your home, and reduces energy costs.

They will then lay your new shingles. The shingles are secured with an underlayment, and the edges of the shingle are sealed with roofing cement. They will also add ridge vents, soffit vents, and/or chimney vents to provide proper attic ventilation. These help to keep your attic dry and regulated, which in turn protects the roof deck and insulation. These also improve your home’s resale value and overall comfort. They will then finish off the project by cleaning up any messes they made, and blowing off your gutters and downspouts to remove any remaining debris.

Final Inspection

The final inspection is a vital step before a project is deemed complete. It serves as a validation of quality and safety, and enables businesses to detect errors or non-compliance early on. It also promotes accountability and prevents disputes over who should take responsibility for a particular issue.

Using a well-defined checklist during the process helps to streamline workflow and ensures that all aspects of a product or service meet required standards. However, to maximize the effectiveness of a final inspection checklist, it is essential to carefully map your production or service process and to integrate the checklist into it. This will help to minimize confusion and eliminate miscommunications, resulting in an efficient, effective, and reliable production or service delivery.

When creating a final inspection checklist, it’s important to keep in mind that it should be updated regularly, considering changes in industry regulations and feedback from the inspection team. This will help to maintain its effectiveness, ensuring that it’s consistently used and respected by all teams.

One common mistake that many teams make is failing to properly train their team on how to use the checklist. This can lead to inconsistencies and poor inspections, which in turn will have a negative impact on the project’s outcome. To avoid this, it’s recommended to provide regular training sessions and assessments on how to effectively use the checklist.

Another mistake that many companies make is waiting until the last minute to schedule a final inspection with local building authorities. This can cause issues, such as a building’s final construction not matching the approved plans, which can delay a certificate of occupancy (CO).

It’s also advisable to plan the inspection well in advance, especially when working with local government agencies that have limited capacity and busy schedules. This will reduce the risk of scheduling conflicts and allow you to pass your final inspection without any delays. Lastly, it’s crucial to remember that a final inspection is a comprehensive evaluation of all aspects of the finished product. It can include everything from minor issues like a lack of signage to more serious concerns like soil settling that could affect the foundation.

The Importance of Gutter Cleaning

Gutter Cleaning Summerville, SC is an essential chore that helps ensure the proper function of your home. A properly functioning gutter system funnels water away from your house, which prevents basement flooding and protects the plants, flowers, bushes, and other landscaping around your property.

Gutter Cleaning

A gutter-cleaning tool, such as a scoop or a garden hose attachment, should be easy to use and can extend over the gutters without stretching.

Gutter cleaning removes debris from the gutter system, a combination of downspouts, downpipes and gutter walls. This material can include twigs, seeds and leaves, as well as moss, algae and sludge. A build-up of this material restricts the flow of rainwater, which can stain or damage home siding and roof shingles. Regular cleaning keeps debris accumulation to a minimum and prevents overflowing, which can damage the home’s foundation.

Depending on the climate, it might be necessary to clean gutters more than twice a year. This is because the autumn season brings falling leaves, which quickly fill the gutters. Additionally, some homes are surrounded by trees that produce a large number of seeds and leaves throughout the spring and summer.

When the weather is warm, these materials can easily grow and block the gutters. Gutter cleaning is also a good time to inspect the gutter system and make any repairs. It is also a good opportunity to look for cracks in the fascia boards and downspout connections.

Fallen branches and twigs, as well as overgrown shrubbery, can also clog gutters. To avoid these problems, pruning and trimming should be done regularly.

There are a few ways to clean your gutters, but it is essential to wear trustworthy work boots and to take safety precautions. A ladder should be used, and it is important to have a partner on hand to hold the ladder at all times. A pair of work gloves is also recommended. Finally, it is a good idea to start at the corner of a gutter section and work toward the middle, rather than starting at the top and working down.

Another way to clean gutters is by using a leaf blower attachment. This consists of a long tube with a nozzle that fits into the gutter and connects to a shop vac. It is ideal for dry leaves, but it is not very effective for heavy clumps of wet leaves or solid sludge. The best option is to hire a professional gutter cleaning company. This is a worthwhile investment because it provides peace of mind and helps to protect your home.

Gutter cleaning is not without its dangers. Ladders aren’t designed to support the weight of a person leaning over them for extended periods, especially when trying to reach difficult-to-reach sections of gutter. This can lead to a ladder tipping, and even worse, it can cause someone to fall off of the ladder or roof. The sight of people falling off of roofs and ladders is often used for comic relief on TV and in movies, but real-life accidents happen all the time when homeowners clean their own gutters.

A few simple safety measures can help avoid these types of mishaps. First, ensure the ladder is a good fit for the job. A standard four-legged ladder is usually adequate for a single-story dwelling, but an extension ladder may be necessary for larger homes with multi-story gutters. Also, be sure to position the ladder in a flat spot that is dry and free of rocks, sticks, or other debris that could cause the ladder to slip or tip.

It is also important to wear the proper protective gear when working on a ladder, including sturdy gloves and protective eyewear. Rotting leaf debris and dirty water from clogged gutters can contain bacteria, bird, pigeon or squirrel feces, and other hazardous materials that may irritate the skin or eyes. Gloves made of thick suede are the best option for protecting hands from the dirt, grime and sharp debris commonly found in gutters.

Finally, never forget to bring a bucket to collect the waste from the gutters. It’s easy to lose track of the waste that accumulates during a gutter cleaning session, and leaving it on the ground can pose a tripping hazard. It’s also a good idea to have someone standing nearby to control foot traffic around the ladder and call for help in case of an accident.

While it is possible to clean out some clogged gutters by hand, it’s typically recommended to use a gutter vacuum system or pressure washer when dealing with a severe buildup of debris. These tools can make the process much faster and safer, and they can also help to reduce the chances of accidentally hitting power lines.

Downspouts are the gutter’s extension into the yard, and it is important that they are fully functional. If a downspout is clogged, water will flow back up the gutter, causing soil erosion and foundation damage. Downspouts should be checked for clogs regularly. Clogged downspouts can also cause rainwater to overflow the gutters, which can lead to flooding and stains on the siding of your home.

A clogged downspout can be easily cleaned by spraying it with a garden hose at high pressure. If you have a wet/dry vac or leaf blower, there is a special gutter cleaning attachment that can be used to clean out downspouts. This attachment is placed over the end of the downspout and connected to a hose. The nozzle on the gutter cleaning attachment releases a stream of air that can blast out leaves and twigs. It is important to block the downspout with a rag or a piece of wood before using this method.

For a more permanent solution, consider gutter guards, which can prevent leaves and debris from entering the downspout system. These can be purchased at most hardware stores, and they are easy to install. Another option is to install downspout cleanouts. These are designed with a screen that catches debris that flows down from the upper gutter system. This can keep downspouts from becoming clogged and will also allow for a clear passage of water to the underground drainage system.

One common place for downspouts to become clogged is the outlet at the bottom of the downspout. This can be fixed by simply removing the downspout and cleaning it out, or you could try using a plumber’s snake to remove the obstruction. You should also check for clogs inside buried downspouts, which are more difficult to remove.

Gutters should be inspected and cleaned at least twice a year, in the spring and fall. It is recommended that you clean your gutters at these times to avoid overflowing and clogging, which will help to extend the life of your roof, siding, and foundation. If the thought of climbing a ladder with tools and supplies in hand to inspect and de-clog your gutters sends you into a panic, consider hiring a professional company that specializes in this type of work.

Whether you’re thinking of selling your home or simply want to make it look better, curb appeal is important. It’s one of the first things potential buyers notice, and it can be the difference between a quick sale and an extended time on the market.

When your home’s gutters are clogged and discolored, they create an unattractive view that can detract from the overall appearance of your property. Gutter cleaning removes this unattractive element, ensuring that your property’s appearance is as good as new.

A clean, well-maintained gutter system is one of the best investments you can make for your home’s curb appeal. During a gutter cleaning service, your professional cleaners will take the time to ensure that all of the debris has been removed and that the downspouts are checked and cleared. They may even re-seal your gutters, which will help to prevent future blockages.

If you’re looking for other ways to improve your home’s curb appeal, try adding a few plants or hanging some flower baskets. These small changes will go a long way in making your home stand out in the neighborhood, and they can be done quickly and inexpensively.

In addition to curb appeal, regular gutter maintenance can also contribute to a positive perception of your property’s value. Buyers will know that the property has been cared for and maintained, which can make a big difference in a competitive real estate market. Regardless of the current market conditions, gutter maintenance will pay off in both the short- and long-term by maintaining the appearance and preventing water damage to your home or business. If you’re ready to hire a professional for your gutter cleaning services, contact the experts today! We offer gutter cleaning, as well as window washing and power washing, to give your home or business that polished look it needs to stand out in the crowd. We are always happy to answer any of your questions and provide you with a free estimate.

Window Cleaning Tips

Ensure the glass is clean of debris, particulates, or other materials. Remove stuck-on stains and paint specks from frames with a scrub brush (never razors, as this can scratch glass).

Use a lint-free microfiber cloth or chamois to wipe windows, rather than paper towels. This will prevent streaking and will eliminate the gobs of left-behind lint that can mar your clean windows. For more information, just visit Window Cleaning Sarasota to proceed.

Nothing adds to the look of a room or office better than immaculate windows. However, it can be challenging to keep them that way. Water spots, smudges, and smears often form, requiring regular cleaning to maintain that sparkling shine. Window squeegees are handy tools that scrub away these spots and remove excess water for a streak-free shine.

The most important factor when using a squeegee is to know how much pressure to apply. If you apply too little pressure, you will leave streaks on the glass. It’s too much pressure, and you risk damaging the squeegee’s rubber. Suppose you must determine how much pressure to use and thoroughly wet the glass surface. Next, move the squeegee across the surface in one smooth stroke, keeping the base distance constant. Repeat this process with different amounts of pressure to determine the best.

Squeegees are available in many shapes and sizes to suit your cleaning needs. They are also easy to care for and operate. The soft rubber makes them glide efficiently throughout the surface area, making completing your cleaning task less complicated and faster.

Besides being easier to use, squeegees are more eco-friendly than other traditional cleaning products. They require minimal detergent and only water, saving you money on cleaning solutions and paper towels. Moreover, squeegees help reduce the build-up of mineral deposits and soap scum on the surface of your window.

The best squeegees for window cleaning are made of durable materials and have an extendable handle for hard-to-reach areas. They also feature a rubber blade that is easy to wipe clean and prevents mineral build-up, and they are also designed for a long life with proper care. To ensure that your squeegee is in good working condition, it’s important to change the rubber regularly. It’s also a good idea to store it in a dry place when you’re not using it.

Whether you’re using a commercial glass cleaner or creating your natural window cleaning solution, you need to be able to wipe surfaces clean without leaving streaks. You can achieve this with a high-quality microfiber cloth. Microfiber is a type of synthetic cloth with small fibers that are thinner and smaller than strands of silk. The result is a cloth that can absorb and hold dust, dirt, and grime better than cotton rags or paper towels. It’s also known for reducing streaking. A quality lint-free microfiber towel can be used to apply a cleaning solution or as a drying cloth after a job.

When selecting a microfiber cloth for your cleaning needs, look for one designed specifically for use on windows. This will ensure that it has the right combination of thickness and fibers to clean glass and mirrors without scratching or streaking.

Many different types of microfiber cloths are available, and it’s important to choose the right one for the job. For example, a smooth, satin microfiber cloth is great for cleaning chrome and glass. A more heavily textured microfiber cloth can be used for areas that require more elbow grease, like kitchen and bathroom countertops. You should also select a cleaning solution that will work well with your chosen microfiber cloths. For example, you can make a simple window-cleaning solution with white vinegar and rubbing alcohol.

Lastly, remember always to follow the care instructions for your microfiber cloths. If you do, they can stay clean and smelly quickly. To keep your microfibers in top condition, rinse them after each use and wash them with water at a temperature recommended on the care label.

Towel Super Center offers microfiber cloths in various colors, making it easy to color-code your cleaning materials. In addition, you can choose between different GSMs (grams per square meter), which indicates the fabric’s thickness and fluffiness. You’ll want to select a lower GSM when choosing your microfiber cloths for cleaning windows, as this will allow them to dry faster between washes.

A window vacuum cleaner is a squeegee with a built-in vacuum, allowing you to clean your windows and then quickly suck up any water or cleaning solution without having to wipe the glass down again. The vacuum is particularly useful for tackling window frames and sills, which often attract dirt and dust that can be difficult to reach with a squeegee.

The best window vacuum cleaners are designed with an extendable hose to allow you to easily reach the corners of your windows and other hard-to-reach areas, such as conservatory roofs. They also contain several attachments to help you tackle different windows and surfaces. For example, some are designed with a small plastic scraper to help you remove stubborn bird poo from your windows.

Many people avoid using a window vacuum cleaner because they believe it will leave their windows streaky, but this is not always true. The key to getting a streak-free finish is to use the right cleaning solution and swipe your squeegee in an even, straight line across the window. If you lift too fast, or if there is a bit of moisture on the glass, it will stick to the squeegee and cause streaks.

Using a window vacuum cleaner is quicker than traditional cleaning methods and can also be more environmentally friendly. This is because it eliminates the need to dry your windows and mirrors by hand with a towel, which uses energy and isn’t as good for the environment as simply using your bath towel again.

Another benefit of a window vacuum cleaner is that it can reduce the amount of allergens in your home. This is because dust and other debris stirred up when you use a traditional squeegee or cloth can aggravate respiratory problems and allergies. However, a smart window vacuum cleaner will collect this dust and prevent it from spreading around your home.

When choosing a window vacuum cleaner, make sure that it comes with a rechargeable battery and has a large capacity so that you can do a lot of windows before recharging. Investing in a spare battery when your window vacuum cleaner isn’t working is also a good idea.

The first step in any window cleaning process is rinsing with clean water. This step is very important as it removes all loosened dirt and grime from the surface of the glass. It is also the key to preventing streaks. Pure, deionized water is the best way to remove all impurities from your windows. Tap water contains minerals that can leave ugly marks on your windows if not removed during rinsing.

To avoid getting your windows too wet, spraying one small area of the window at a time is a good idea. This will help you avoid oversaturating the area and damaging your squeegee or other window cleaning supplies. It is also a good idea to use a clean, dry, lint-free cloth to wipe away any excess water or cleaner from the edges of your windows and the window sills.

After rinsing, it is a good idea to dry your windows with a microfiber cloth. The lint-free cloth will prevent the window from streaking and leave it shiny and new. If you prefer, you can also use a paper towel, but make sure it is not made from recycled material that may contain lint and other contaminants.

While many enjoy washing their windows, professional window cleaners are highly trained and utilize pure, deionized water to achieve the best results. The cleaners that professionals use are designed to loosen the bonds of the dirt on a glass surface, which leaves it smear-free and sparkling after the pure water is rinsed from the surface of the glass.

The squeegees and brushes used to scrub the windows are designed specifically for this type of cleaning. In addition, the telescoping poles used with this type of cleaning system can reach high windows without ladders. Lastly, this cleaning method is environmentally friendly and does not disturb customers’ privacy. In addition, vinegar-based solutions can be used instead of traditional window cleaning chemicals to sanitize surfaces and kill germs on hard surfaces.


Gutter Repair Tips From A Pro

Gutters serve a critical function in channeling water away from your home, but they can develop issues like holes and clogs. These problems can lead to costly repairs later on, so it’s important to perform regular maintenance and inspect your gutters for damage.

Repairing small leaks in your gutters can be done pretty easily. Just make sure to do it when the weather is nice so you can work outside without getting soaked!

1. Clean Your Gutters Regularly

Gutters are critical to your home, channeling rainwater away from the foundation and preventing water damage to walls and the roof. However, gutters can become damaged over time due to age and environmental conditions. Regular cleaning and repair is essential for a safe and functional gutter system. Taking the time to repair and clean your gutters will protect your roof, windows and siding, and even help you save money on energy costs.

Clogged gutters can’t channel water away properly, leading to overflow and water damage to your roof, walls, foundation and landscaping. They can also create pest infestations, such as rodents and mosquitoes, which are known carriers of deadly diseases like the West Nile Virus.

The best way to clean your gutters is to use a ladder with safety equipment. It’s important to wear a hard hat, gloves and work shoes to prevent injuries. A garden hose and a tool box filled with basic tools will also come in handy. It’s best to have a friend help you secure the ladder so you don’t fall off and hurt yourself.

After cleaning your gutters, test them for leaks and sagging. If your gutters are leaking, you can easily fix them by using caulk on any cracks or holes. You can also replace any gutter spikes that are corroded and install fascia hanger brackets to hold the gutters in place. If the gutters are sagging, you can fix it by adding a section of gutter or installing a new downspout. If the gutter is rusted, you can patch holes and cracks with a metal patch that matches the color of your gutter (an aluminum patch for an aluminum gutter). You can also try applying a metal primer to stop future rusting.

2. Repair Cracks in the Gutters

When water can’t flow through your gutters, it can cause damage to the home. Fortunately, this is an easy problem to spot and fix. When water stands still in your gutters, it usually means there’s a clog or separated gutter joint that needs to be fixed. If you notice this, you should begin by removing any debris that’s clogging the gutters and flushing the system with a hose.

Once the gutters are clean, you can then check for any cracks or leaks in them. If you find any, be sure to apply a waterproof sealant to those areas. This can be done with silicone or a special gutter caulking compound. If you choose to use caulking, be sure to warm it up to room temperature so that it spreads easily and is able to adhere properly to the surface of the gutters.

Leaks in gutters can also occur when a section of the gutter is dented or missing a spike. A missing spike isn’t a huge deal, but it can place more of a strain on the other spikes. Ensure that your gutters are secure and have the right slope to drain water away from the house.

Sometimes a whole gutter may need to be replaced because of damage or because it has been sagging for too long. If this is the case, we recommend replacing them with the new style of screw in hidden hangers. These hangers are much more sturdy than older spikes and can be used on any type of gutter. They are also available in a variety of colors so that you can match them to the color of your home.

3. Install Weatherproofing Tape

Every gutter seam needs to be sealed, and high-quality waterproof sealer works well. Choose a product that’s designed for metal gutters and check that it will work with the kind of water you get where you live. It should be runny, which helps it penetrate down into the seams to create a durable, long-lasting bond. If you can, apply the sealer on a warm day when the gutters will be dry for a faster and more even application. Home centers stock a variety of gutter sealing products. Some have a rubber-like texture, while others are more like duct tape in strength and adhesion but with a heavier cloth backing to be resistant to heat.

When a gutter is leaking, rust holes often form. You may be able to save the gutter for a while by applying caulk or paint, but eventually the metal will corrode and you’ll need to replace it. Lightly sanding the rust spots can also preserve a gutter for longer, although it won’t prevent more rust from forming.

Gutter leaks are most commonly caused by rusty spots and loose seams, but you can help prevent them by installing gutter repair tape (available at home centers and hardware stores). To do so, prepare the gutter by scraping off as much old tar or caulk as possible, and wire-brushing the surface to make sure it’s completely clean. Before applying the tape, spray a waterproof primer onto the gutter to give it a better chance of adhering.

Another way to reduce downspout dripping is by adding a length of thin rope to the downspout. The dripping sound won’t stop, but the small drops will cling to the rope rather than plummeting all the way down into the downspout.

4. Fix Loose Gutters

When a gutter is loose it can lead to water overflow and even damage your home’s siding. If you notice your gutters are loose, they should be tightened immediately before they cause further damage. Gutter repair can be done in a few easy steps and it’s a great DIY project for any homeowner.

You can repair a loose gutter by replacing the damaged section with a new piece of gutter. You can also add additional hangers to the gutter to help keep it in place. If you’re going to replace the gutter, choose gutter hangers with screws instead of nails as they will hold up better.

Another common problem with gutters is downspouts that aren’t properly anchored to the gutter. This can cause the water to pool and overflow the downspout, which can then leak down the side of the house. If you’re experiencing this issue, you can use a downspout diverter to help ensure the water is draining away from the house.

It’s also important to check the downspouts for rust and corrosion. You can do this by removing the downspout elbow and cleaning out any debris. You can also apply a metal primer to the downspout to protect it from further rusting.

If you find rust spots on your gutters, you can remove them with a wire brush or sandpaper. You can also buy a rust removal product from your local hardware or home improvement store. You can also clean the rust with steel wool and a wire brush and then re-paint the gutter with a rust resistant paint. It’s important to choose a good quality paint as this will help protect the gutter from future rusting and corrosion.

5. Repair Sagging Gutters

If your gutters are sagging, it’s important to repair them to ensure that rainwater or snow melt drains properly from your roof and doesn’t damage your home’s siding or foundation. You can hire a professional to do this work for you, or you can tackle the job yourself if you’re comfortable on a ladder and have the necessary tools.

The first thing you’ll need to do is clean your gutters to remove any clogs and debris. Then, you’ll need to make sure that your work area is clear of anything that could get in the way of your project, like a pile of leaves. Once your workspace is clear, you can climb the ladder and start working on the problem areas of your gutters.

A common cause of sagging gutters is that they’re not pitched correctly to allow water to flow freely from the roof to the downspout. If this is the case, it’s as simple as readjusting the pitch of the gutter by tightening the screws that connect the hangers to the fascia board.

If the gutter is sagging due to other reasons, you may need to replace the gutter spikes or fascia hanger brackets. You can find these at a hardware store and are relatively inexpensive. Be sure to use a new spike that has metal ferrules, as these will hold better than the old ones.

Another reason for sagging gutters is that the wood fascia boards are starting to rot. In this case, you’ll need to wedge a series of plastic shims between the back of the gutter and the fascia board, forcing them upward to level the gutter out again.